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South Korea gave permission to import Indian mangoes

mangosFor Indian Mangoes, South Korea has agreed to open up its market after a stringent testing of pest risk. With this entry into the South Korean Market, Indian mango exports may get a good boost.

In 2016, from Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Peru and the USA, South Korea has bought mangoes of value $48 million. in this market, Indian mango will be giving a good competition as the fruit is liked in the Middle East and the Far East, the United States and Europe.

In an advisory to its members Agricultural and Processed Food Products, Export Development Authority (Apeda) said that into South Korea, South Korean Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (QIA) has finally agreed on the importation of Indian mangoes after Vapour Heat Treatment (VHT) in specified temperature condition. Sourced from the registered farmers under Apeda Horti net system and fresh requirement, the export would be allowed for the produce at the designated facilities. For export to South Korea, interested exporters may book their slots for processing of mangoes.

In 2015-16, the mango exports of India were at 36329 tonnes as per a data made by Apeda which were down by 15% from 42998.31 tonnes of export a year before.

Than last year, the weather this year is warmer. Although along with the sowing area, the mango output of India has been increasing. In 2015-16, the sown area was 2.21 million hectares and in 2016-17, was increased to 2.27 million hectares. The area used for sowing in 2014-15 was 2.16 million hectares and 18.53 million tonnes was the mango output.

Last week due to hailstorms hit Maharashtra mango and other fruits damaged. As their output may fall by 15¬-20%, the growers of the popular Ratnagiri Alphonso will suffer.

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