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In April-August 2016 Coffee Exports From India Rising By 18.15%

Coffee Exports from India

In April-August of 2016-17 financial year, Coffee exports from India have gone to 1,63,615 tonnes. As per Coffee board, even when rates are lower it is an increase of 18.15%.

In the first five months of the last financial year, India had exported 1,38,479 tonnes of coffee. In April-August of 2016-17, Coffee Board shows a rise in shipments of a robust variety of coffee bean and instant coffee which has shown in the figure.

In the upcoming crop year (October 2016- September 2017), though the scenario of lower exports realisation and anticipated drop in coffee yield, there is growth in coffee exports. From Rs 1,68,408 per tonne in April-August 2015 to Rs 1,49,482 per tonne in the April-August 2016, we see a free fall in the export realisation which has registered also in the frame.

The primary reason to fall in coffee yield, which is nearly 8.75% due to higher temperature and delay in rains at the blooming stage. In the 2016¬-17 crop year, coffee yield was 3, 48,000 tonnes in 2015-16 and it is estimated to be 3, 20,000 tonnes In terms of quantity.

Indian coffee is primarily sold to Italy, Russia, Germany, Belgium and Turkey together take in over 50% of the Indian coffee exports.

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