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In First Half This Fiscal, Indian Spice Exports Increase 7% In Value

Indian Spice Exports

In the first half of this fiscal year, five percent growth in volume and seven percent growth in value increased in the Spice exports of India as compared with last year with the same time period. The demand of spices such as chilli, nutmeg, mace, garlic and cumin has increased.

From 4, 14,780 tonnes in first half of last year to 4, 37,360 tonnes in this year, the export value of spices increased. From Rs.7892.65 crore in same period last year to Rs.8415.97 crore this year, the exports also increased in terms of value.

In the first half of this fiscal year, Chilli was the most exported spice with a shipment of 1, 65,000 tonnes which valued at Rs. 2307.75 crores. 55% by weight and 132% in terms of money, shipment of Garlic exports also increased exponentially too. In the first half of this year, Nutmeg and mace exports grew 81% by the quantity and 69% by value. In the first six months of FY 2016-17, Cumin exports saw a rise of 49% from 45894 tonnes last year to 68600 tonnes. During April-September 2016, the spice exports of India like turmeric, Fennel and Celery also had a significant contribution.

Data made by Spices Board, curry powder and pastes along with spice oils and oleoresins which are the value added products also saw a rise in exports.

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