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First time India becomes a net exporter of power

exporter of power

In the April¬-February period of this fiscal, for the first time ever India has become a net exporter of electricity. The designated authority of the government of India for cross-border trade of electricity first time India has turned around from a net importer of electricity to net exporter of electricity As per Central Electricity Authority (CEA), As per Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the power ministry stated on Wednesday.

In between April 2016 – February 2017, As per the statement of the ministry, India has sent about 5,798 million units of power to Nepal, Bangladesh, and Myanmar and from Bhutan imported 5,585 million units. So by 213 million units, the export has exceeded the import.

In past three years, the power export to Nepal and Bangladesh increased tremendously. from the mid-¬80s India has been importing electricity from Bhutan. From states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India is buying power from Bhutan and marginally exporting in the radial mode to Nepal at 33 kV and 132 kV.

About 5,000-¬5,500 million units Bhutan supplies to India annually, as per a report. From 12 cross-border interconnections, India also sends about 190 MW power at 11kV, 33kV and 132 kV level to Nepal. With the new Muzaffarpur (India) – Dhalkhebar (Nepal) 400kV range power export to Nepal improved by around 145 MW.

In September 2013, Power export to Bangladesh was enhanced by cross-border range at Baharampur (India) and Bheramara (Bangladesh) at 400kV which were commissioned. Another connection further boosted the export from Surjyamaninagar (Tripura, India) and South Comilla (Bangladesh). Presently to Bangladesh, about 600 MW power is being sent.

In between 132 kV Katiya (Bihar) – Kusaha (Nepal) and 132 kV Raxaul (Bihar) – Parwanipur (Nepal), Two more lines are going to be commissioned increasing the export to Nepal by 145 MW.

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