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For Import of Drones in India, License and Clearance Mandatory

Import of Drones in India

Granting to the recent government statements, prior clearance of Directorate General, Civil Aviation and an import permit from the Director General of Foreign Trade will be necessary for import of drones in India and UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).

The commerce ministry quoted in a notification. Importing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)/Unmanned Aircraft System/ remotely piloted aircraft/drones is subject to restriction. From the DGCA (Director General of Civil Aviation) and an import license from the DGFT (Director General of Foreign Trade), It would require a prior permission.

Under chapter 88 of ITC (HS), 2012, the import norm has been brought in as a policy condition. ITC (HS) is an Indian Trade Clarification with Harmonized System as its basis.

As drones are considered as a major security threat and it can be employed by terror groups for exercising assaults, this recent move is believed to be important. The flyers entering in India will be required to declare them as they are already a part of the prohibited list.

By various government agencies, Drones are generally imported for maintaining law and order by the security personnel. In addition, drones are also applied for ensuring vigil on the international borders and LOC with Pakistan, China, and Bangladesh.

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