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On Import Of Indian Vegetables, The European Union Removes 3-Year Ban


On Indian mangoes last January, the European Union had lifted the ban.

The European Union had decided to remove its three-year import ban announced by the Agriculture Ministry that it had imposed on some vegetables from India.

The Assistant Director of the Agriculture Ministry’s export/import section, R S Arora spoke at a seminar by CIAL Air Cargo department and sais that by the European Union regarding the end of the ban on import of some vegetables like bitter gourd, snake gourd, and aubergines the government has been communicated.

A ban on mangoes, bitter gourd, eggplant, snake gourd and taro leaves has been imposed by the European Union from India citing about harmful organisms in these vegetables and fruits and talking about the bio-security of the region.

On the farmers and exporters from India, This import ban decision had a serious impact. On farmers and exporters in India, The decision had led to an adverse impact. The ban on Indian mangoes was lifted by the European Unions In January last year after field surveys were conducted and the audit report was discussed in Brussels. To get the ban lifted on some vegetables from India, The central government told about the diplomatic talks and discussions it was having with the EU.

Nirmala Sitharaman who is the minister of State for Commerce and Industry had talks with the officials from the European Union and other European nations about this ban and the required process to get it eliminated.


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