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For Import Of Marble In India With New Policy Will Cutdown Monopoly

Import of marbleFor import of various varieties of marble and travertine blocks will cut down methods of monopolistic and restrictive trade, said by Delhi Marble Dealers Association as its the rule by Government’s latest policy. The raw material also accessible to factories by this policy, it assures.

Starting from October 1, 2016, the restriction on the quantity of Marble & Travertine Blocks import has been ended. To get license is also the difficult process for import of marble in India has been removed

Parveen Goel who is the Chairman of the Association’s import committee said that import of Raw Marble Blocks as an end to the “unfair and unethical License Regime. As per his report, in the industry who is involved in this job, the policy will give equal opportunity to all players. By this policy, going to be lost units will restore and lead to more employment.


For marble to tackle the problems of alterations of a MIP, The Minimum Import Price (MIP) has been cut down to USD 200 per metric tonne. To assist the local producers the duty on import of marble and travertine blocks is going to be used up to 40 % from the present 10 %.

For import of marble slabs MIP has reduced to USD 40 per square metre which is to tackle the distortion in MIP. On import of marble slabs, the domestic producers’ benefit duty is will be doubled to 20%.

Addressing the MIP distortion issue, MIP on the import of granite slabs is going to be cut down to US Dollars 50 per square meter. On import of granite slabs is being made 20% from current 10%, for the domestic producer’s customs duty.

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