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Issue of connectivity with Afghanistan is important-Arun Jaitley

Arun Jaitley

Arun Jaitley, who is the Indian Finance Minister told at the sixth ministerial Heart of Asia conference which was held in Amritsar to enhance the connectivity with Afghanistan was a core issue for the country.

At the Heart of Asia-Istanbul process that the Amritsar Declaration was accepted by all, said Mr Jaitley. The connectivity with Afghanistan was a major issue, he talked about it and for developing connectivity in Afghanistan, and India is also open.

It was declared that in the Heart of Asia area at the Amritsar Declaration, for the promotion of regional connectivity and economic integration, Afghanistan can be the natural bridge.
Arun Jaitley also informed, “On India’s aspect, we are also involved bilaterally with Afghanistan to update our connection linkages with the aim of creating Afghanistan, in the language of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a location of serenity.”

The External Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj has not been keeping well; in the conference, Arun Jaitley represented India. From Amritsar, to promote the land trade route, he told, as the venue for the conference was a deliberate one, the choice of Amritsar as the venue intended to highlight the potential for regional connectivity and the benefits that it can bring to landlocked Afghanistan.”

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