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In Odisha Government sanctions to provide a boost to spices


As due to the various health benefits and organic quality of the spices like turmeric and ginger, the people foreign countries use them more and so the demand is rising from India.

As the government has decided to give 2.46 crore to Kandhamal Apex Spices Association for Marketing, and for putting new processing machines so the spice export of Kandhamal will be promoted. About 12000 spice growing farmers, KASAM is an association in the Kandhamal region. After getting raw spices from these farmers, the association then process them and sells it to various countries.

Under the Rashtriya Krushi Vikash Yojana (RKVY), the government has decided to give these funds to the KASAM. New machines will be bought by these funds as the machines used currently are as old as 16 years and have a capacity of 1000 tonnes per year. The processing capacity of new machines will increase to 5000 tonnes per year. So the farmers will have get benefit by more sales.

In the foreign countries, there is demand in Turmeric and ginger. The spice turmeric has many medicinal values and also use in facial and face packs. By the Control Union Certifications, the spice products of KASAM have been certified to be organic.

About 1,100 tonnes of processed turmeric and 40 tonnes of ginger slices were shipped in the last fiscal year to various countries making a profit of around Rs 50 lakh. The buyers were the UK, the USA, and Australia, the Netherlands, Germany and several other countries. To the European countries, 500 tonnes these spice products have already been sent in the current year.

The five blocks namely G Udayagiri, Raikia, Nuagaon, Daringibadi and Phiringia, the spices are procured from the farmers in these regions. Through 61 primary cooperative societies, these spices are bought that give 65% of the profit to the farmers.

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