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On six commodities India removes the import restrictions from Vietnam

shipsOn the import of six commodities, India has taken away the restrictions from Vietnam that include coffee beans after the phytosanitary issues were resolved. On imports of five items from India, Vietnam had lifted the ban just a day back, when the latter worked on to improve pest management.

Vietnam had banned imports of pods and seeds of peanuts, seeds of cassia, cocoa, bean and fruit of tamarind in the beginning of March, from India citing some phytosanitary reasons. From March 7 due to pest risk, India also in response had temporarily stopped the entry of coffee beans, bamboo, and black pepper, cinnamon, cassia and dragon fruit coming from Vietnam

By Vietnam, these phytosanitary issues have been handled and so on the import of the six commodities, India has lifted the ban on import. On import of Indian items, this decision has come after Vietnam government removed the ban.

Vietnam has issued notifications to India (January 20, 2017, and February 16, 2017) and Vietnam had banned five items from India, Only two times were non-compliance instances had happened. this ban strange and that the groundnut importers were happy with the quality other than the two instances of non-compliance, said by The Indian Embassy in Hanoi.

The ban on the Vietnamese product The Indian government had also imposed as quarantine pests were found in consignments which could cause biosecurity risk. To National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO), Vietnam the notifications were sent about the interception of the pests again and again. On March 3 The Indian government informed the NPPO, Vietnam about the ban on import of six commodities and the repeated interception of pests. In this regard what action have been taken and the government also asked Vietnam to inform about this. To accredit fumigating companies The Indian government has also asked NPPO so as to make sure that suitable fumigation is done on the cargo being shipped. From Vietnam also some commodities were being shipped having no permission or phytosanitary certificates.

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